Place of origin: India

Ayurveda: Perfected over 5000 years. To care for you today.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda literally means the Science of Life and works on the principle of balancing the humours or the doshas – namely Vata (air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth and water).

The dominance of one element over the others defines your general constitution and increases susceptivity to health conditions including allergies, illness, migraine etc. Decoding these doshas and learning how to balance them, helps you unlock the secret to better health.

How does Ayurveda at Wellth help?

Our highly qualified Ayurveda doctors and practitioners can help you in two ways – prevention and recovery.

At Wellth, we believe that the best treatment to any illness is stopping it before it starts. Ayurveda teaches you to be respectful and patient with your body – which goes a long way when it comes to preventing illness or reversing its effects and thereby, making a recovery. Ayurveda is both a curative and preventive practice. It is safe for everyone including seniors and children.

What Does Ayurveda Treat/Manage?

Ayurveda treats practically all age groups and provides a vast array of therapies and treatments. Some of the main advantages of regularly utilising Ayurveda are listed below.

  • Stunning, well-maintained skin and hair
  • Decrease stress and anxiety
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Controlling and losing weight
  • Purify the body 
  • Improves living quality
  • Reduces the symptoms of the following:
    • Asthma 
    • Arthritis and rheumatoid
    • Digestive problems 
    • High blood pressure
    • High cholesterol levels

What are the 5 principles of Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, is based on five fundamental principles known as the Pancha Mahabhutas or the Five Great Elements. These principles form the basis of understanding the human body and its interaction with the universe. Here are the five principles of Ayurveda:

  • Earth (Prithvi): This element represents stability, solidity, and structure. In the human body, Earth manifests as bones, muscles, tissues, and organs. It governs physical strength, endurance, and the sense of smell.
  • Water (Jala): Water symbolises fluidity, cohesion, and lubrication. It is essential for maintaining bodily fluids, such as blood, lymph, and digestive juices. Water governs aspects like hydration, digestion, and the sense of taste.
  • Fire (Agni): Fire embodies transformation, metabolism, and digestion. It governs the metabolic processes in the body, including digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients. Fire is also associated with vision, perception, and the sense of sight.
  • Air (Vayu): Air represents movement, circulation, and communication. It governs the flow of energy and information throughout the body, including the nervous system, circulation, and respiratory system. Air is linked to activities like breathing, circulation, and the sense of touch.
  • Ether (Akasha): Ether symbolises space, expansion, and connectivity. It provides the space in which the other elements interact and manifest. Ether governs aspects like sound, communication, and the sense of hearing.

Ayurveda holds that a person’s physical and emotional well-being is determined by the harmony and balance of these five components within their body. An imbalance or disturbance in these elemental energies results in illness and suffering. By treating the underlying cause of imbalance and encouraging health via holistic methods including nutrition, lifestyle changes, herbal medicines, and therapeutic treatments, Ayurvedic therapies seek to restore balance.

 Ayurvedic Treatments at Wellth:

Our top 4 Ayurvedic services are carefully curated to bring balance to your mind, body, and spirit. These include the following:

Panchakarma – Detoxify and Renew

A classic Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapy, panchakarma uses a series of therapeutic procedures to balance doshas (bioenergies), purge the body of toxins, and enhance general health and well-being.

With Wellth, embark on a journey of purification with Panchakarma, a comprehensive Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapy. This ancient practice aims to eliminate toxins from the body, restore balance to the doshas, and revitalise the entire system. Through a combination of therapies such as Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana, Panchakarma at Wellth is tailored to your unique constitution, offering a reset for your body and mind.

Abhyanga – The Art of Ayurvedic Massage

This kind of Ayurvedic massage treatment includes using warm herbal oils all over the body and then gently massaging with small circular motions. The objectives of this treatment are to balance the doshas, enhance circulation, nourish the skin, and encourage relaxation.

At Wellth, indulge in the ancient healing tradition of Abhyanga, a rejuvenating full-body massage that goes beyond relaxation. Our skilled therapists use warm, herbal-infused oils to nourish your skin, soothe your muscles, and balance your doshas. Abhyanga not only promotes physical well-being but also calms the mind, making it an essential part of your holistic wellness routine.

Shirodhara – Serenity for the Mind

Shirodhara is a very soothing Ayurvedic treatment in which a constant stream of warm herbal oil or other liquid is continuously applied to the forehead, or “third eye” region. It is well recognized to ease emotional tension, boost emotional clarity, enhance sleep quality, and quiet the mind.

With Wellth, experience profound tranquillity with Shirodhara, a therapeutic technique that involves a continuous flow of warm herbal oil over the forehead. This ritual is designed to harmonise the mind, relieve stress, and enhance mental clarity. Let go of the chaos of everyday life as Shirodhara instils a sense of peace, promoting emotional balance and mental well-being.

Njavara Kizhi – Revitalising Herbal Bundle Massage

The ayurvedic massage therapy called Njavara Kizhi, also referred to as Shashtikashali Pinda Swedana, is used to strengthen, tone, and improve nerve conductivity in the muscles. Kerala is the birthplace of the innovative therapy known as Njavara Kizhi treatment.

With Wellth, immerse yourself in the rejuvenating experience of Njavara Kizhi that involves massaging the body with a bundle of cooked Njavara rice, milk, and medicinal herbs. This specialised treatment promotes muscle strength, nourishes the skin, and boosts overall vitality. Njavara Kizhi is a ritual of renewal, leaving you refreshed and revitalised.

Ayurveda treatment in Dubai, UAE

Transport yourself to a world of ancient wisdom and rejuvenation as you explore the wonders of Ayurveda in Dubai. Rooted in the rich heritage of India, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to health and wellness, perfectly tailored to complement your dynamic lifestyle.

At Wellth, immerse yourself in a sanctuary of tranquillity, where centuries-old traditions merge seamlessly with modern comforts. Our team of experienced Ayurvedic practitioners welcomes you to embark on a transformative journey towards balance and vitality.

Ayurveda Clinic in Dubai, UAE

From personalised consultations to specialised treatments, each experience is crafted to harmonise your body, mind, and spirit. Let the healing power of natural herbs, therapeutic oils, and ancient techniques restore your vitality, alleviate stress, and promote overall Well-being at Wellth in Dubai. 

Elevate your wellness journey with Wellth. Rediscover harmony, vitality, and inner peace as you embrace the timeless wisdom of Ayurvedic healing. Schedule your appointment today and embark on a path towards holistic wellness and rejuvenation.

Ayurveda FAQs

Is Ayurvedic Medicine Effective?

Yes. Ayurvedic Medicine can be beneficial in treating several types of diseases.

How does Ayurvedic treatment differ from conventional medicine?

The science of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the art of living it perfectly combine in Ayurveda.

The ancient discipline of Ayurveda uses a range of organically derived remedies that have been developed over time. These Ayurvedic treatments are effective in treating a variety of illnesses since they are derived from plants, natural extracts, and herbs. Bringing these three main bodily systems back into harmony is the main objective of Ayurvedic treatment. The medicinal method known as Ayurveda treats the mind and spirit in addition to the body. According to Ayurveda, the majority of illnesses linked to pathologic and psychophysiological alterations in the body are brought on by an imbalance in the three doshas (Pita, Kapha, and Vata).

Contrarily, the side effects of traditional medicine are many. Conventional medicine’s purpose is to control illnesses; that is why it is a disease management system. Hence, there is minimum to no account for holistic wellbeing.

Does Ayurvedic medicine have side effects?

Ayurvedic treatment contains minerals, metals, plants, or other substances that might be hazardous if used incorrectly or without consulting a qualified professional.

What are the 5 important things in Ayurveda?

According to Ayurveda, the five elements of Vayu (air), Jala (water), Aakash (space or ether), Prithvi (earth), and Teja (fire) make up the whole cosmos. In Ayurveda, these five components—known as Pancha Mahabhoota—are said to combine in different ways to generate the three main humours of the human body.